Yaupon Facts

Yaupon Facts
Yaupon, also known as yaupon holly or Christmas berry, is an evergreen bush that belongs to the holly family. Yaupon is native to North America. It can be found in areas with mild winters and hot, humid summers (southeastern parts of the USA). Yaupon grows on a sandy soil, in habitats that provide enough sun. It can be found on the coastal dunes, in the maritime forests, forested wetlands, salt marshes and pine flatwoods. People cultivate yaupon mostly in decorative purposes.
Interesting Yaupon Facts:
Yaupon grows in a form of multi-branched bush with rounded crown. Even though it can reach height of 30 feet, it usually grows from 14 to 18 inches in height and from 10 to 15 feet in width.
Yaupon has slender branches covered with smooth, grey bark and pale-colored, nearly white markings.
Yaupon has oval or elliptic, evergreen leaves. They are toothed on the edges and have leathery texture. Upper side of leaves is darker colored than the bottom side. Leaves are alternately arranged on the stem.
Yaupon is dioecious plant. That means that male and female flowers develop on the separate plants. Male and female plants need be planted close to each other to ensure successful pollination (transfer of pollen from the male flower to the pistil of female flower).
Yaupon blooms during the spring and produces tiny, white flowers at the base of the leaves.
Fruit of yaupon is small, red, shiny drupe. Fruit are arranged in clusters that can be seen on a plant throughout entire winter. Each fruit contains 4 seed that are oval in shape and have striated appearance.
Yaupon propagates via seed and cuttings.
Fruit of yaupon induces nausea and vomiting in humans. Tea made of leaves can be safely consumed (it is commercially available in America). Yaupon is the only USA plant that contains caffeine.
Native Americans were preparing tea, called "black drink", made of roasted leaves and shoots of yaupon. Men were consuming large quantities of this tea during various ceremonies to induce vomiting and purification of the body.
Yaupon (fruit) is important source of food for birds and various mammals such as raccoons, armadillos and skunks. Deer eat leaves and young shoots. Dense, evergreen foliage provides protection for animals during the winter.
Native Americans used wood of yaupon for the manufacture of arrows.
White wood of yaupon is used for production of white pieces used in chess.
Yaupon is often used in floral arrangements. Branches with berries are especially popular during the Christmas.
Yaupon is often cultivated in gardens in ornamental purposes because it can be trimmed into various shapes.
Yaupon is perennial plant that can survive couple of decades in the wild.

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